Passion fruit juice concentrate

Passion fruit juice concentrate natural (not aseptic) is made from dry, clean, ripe passion fruit.

Juice characteristic:
Color: orange yellow
Appearance: transparent, without sediment and suspensions.
Smell and taste: in diluted juice (up to 11.5 Bx) natural aroma and taste of passion fruit, without foreign odors.

General characteristics:
Brix5 50 +/- 1
Titratable acidity (in terms of citric acid),%: 14-18
PH: 2.2 -3.5
Pectin: negative
Starch: negative
Arsenic and its compounds (as As), mg/kg: ≤ 0.1
Lead and its compounds (as Pb), mg/kg: ≤ 0.2
Copper and its compounds (as Cu), mg/kg: ≤ 5.0
Special conditions: storage and transportation at a temperature of -18C

Microbiological characteristics:
TMC, CFU/ml: ≤ 100
Yeast/mould, cfu/ml: < 100
Pathogenic bacteria: absent

Passionfruit juice concentrate, non-aseptic, is packaged in an aseptic bag and calibrated in 250kg metal drums.