100% Plum juice concentrate, made of sound and mature Plums (Prunus domestica), which have been pressed, depectinized, filtered, concentrated and packed.
Raw Material Varieties Fortune, Larry Ann, Angeleno, Blackamber and other varieties.
Physical and Chemical Parameters Brix: 70.0 + 1.0 Refractometer reading Acidity: 4.5 – 10.0 % w/w Citric Acid pH: 2.8 – 3.5 AD Color: > 1.7 Abs @ 520 nm @ 10.5 ºBrix Ratio: > 1.3 Abs@520/Abs@430nm Turbidity: < 20 N.T.U. at 10.5 ºBrix Specific Gravity: 1.319 at 20ºC Pectin Test: Negative Qualitative Test Insoluble Solids: Negative %
Sensory Properties Flavor: aromatic, typical plum Color (visually): typical Plum Taste: typical Plum; co cooked or caramelized.
Packing Open head steel drums: 60 US gal 306.7 Kg
Shelf life: 24 Months: -18/0º ºC/ºF
Health Benefits Plums have a high content of unique phytonutrients called nechlorogenic and chlorogenic acid, these substances are classified as phenols, and they are excellent antioxidants. These damage-preventing substances are effective neutralizing a particularly destructive oxygen radical called superoxide anion radical. Plums are a very good source of vitamin C, which helps absorption of iron into de body and protect cholesterol from becoming oxidized by free radicals, also can be helpful for people who suffer from atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease, as well as may stop conditions like asthma, colon cancer, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.