Mango puree

Concentrated mango puree is obtained from a product obtained mechanically from sound, ripe fruits (Mangifera indica L) of the Totapuri variety without removing the juice and without adding other varieties. Concentrated mango puree is not adulterated and contains no added sugar. Concentrated mango puree is processed at a sufficiently high temperature to substantially reduce the number of viable microorganisms, eliminate all enzymatic activity and all viable heat-tolerant pathogenic bacteria. The product has been processed to achieve at least a 5-fold logarithmic reduction in the most resistant organisms of public importance.
health care, and aseptically packed in proper hygienic conditions.

Ingredients: 100% mango puree, no colorants, flavors, no added sugar or preservatives
Producer: "Capricorn Food Products India Ltd"

Chemical indicators:
Brix: min 28.0
pH: 3.5-4.0
Acidity (%, in terms of citric acid): 0.7-1.8
Viscosity (30 sec at 20°C), cm: 3.0-7.0

Physical / organoleptic indicators:
Color: golden yellow
Smell: characteristic of a ripe mango, without extraneous notes
Taste: characteristic of a ripe mango, without foreign flavors
Appearance: homogeneous homogeneous product
Particles (black/brown): no more than 10 in 10g

Microbiological characteristics:
TMC, CFU/g: no more than 10
Yeast, CFU/g: no more than 10
Molds, CFU/g: no more than 10
TAB: absent in 10g
E.coli: absent in 10g
Salmonella spp: absent in 10g
Preservatives: none

The product is aseptically packaged in sterile aseptic bags and drums with a polyethylene liner.
Net weight 228±1 kg.

Storage conditions:
Store in a covered area, away from direct sunlight. For long-term use, it is recommended to store at a temperature of 5-10°C.
Concentrated mango puree is produced without the use of genetically modified products and is intended for use in the food industry for human nutrition. No added flavors, colors, sugars or food preservatives have been used in its production.

Shelf life:
18 months from the date of production at an ambient temperature of 25-30°C.
24 months from the date of production when stored at -10 +20°C.